Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention: We Need Everyone

By Olivia Kirtley. Today is World Suicide Prevention Day.  Last week the World Health Organization (WHO) released the first ever World Suicide Report, showing that around 800,000 people die by suicide each year.  In fact, around the world, one person will die by suicide every 40 seconds, which means in the time it’s taken me… Continue reading Suicide Prevention: We Need Everyone

Suicide Prevention

The S Word: Talking About Suicide

By Olivia Kirtley. It is estimated that more than 800,000 individuals die globally each year as a result of suicide and for those aged 15-29 years old, suicide is the second leading worldwide cause of death after road traffic accidents 1. But we don’t whisper about car accidents, or exchange sideways glances when someone mentions… Continue reading The S Word: Talking About Suicide

Suicide Prevention

The Reach and Reaching Out of Suicide

By Olivia Kirtley. Today is World Suicide Prevention Day and around the world people are raising awareness of suicide prevention. The theme for this year is ‘reaching out, saving lives’. But what is the reach of suicide, and what does reaching out do? The Reach Every year, more than 800,000 people die by suicide around… Continue reading The Reach and Reaching Out of Suicide

Lived Experience

Who are the ‘Experts by Experience’ in Mental Health Research? – A personal reflection

By Laura Hemming. This blog is about my journey and identity as a researcher in an organisation that emphasises the importance of placing lived experience at the heart of mental health research. My journey as a researcher began a little over a year and a half ago when I was employed by the McPin Foundation… Continue reading Who are the ‘Experts by Experience’ in Mental Health Research? – A personal reflection


New to research using high school samples? Three things that helped me

By Sarah Stanford. It's time. Two words that can spark excitement or relief. It's time to finish work. It's time for the party to start. It's time to get a coffee. It's time to take off your skinny jeans. But in this instance, these two words did not spark excitement. Instead, my heart felt a… Continue reading New to research using high school samples? Three things that helped me


Sarah Stanford

Institution: Macquarie University, Australia Position: Honorary Postdoctoral Associate Current research: Assisting schools to identify and respond to self-harm; developing parent and staff education programs. Research interests: Preventing and responding to self-harm in community settings Recent publications:  Stanford, S., Jones, M.P. & Hudson, J.L. (2017). Appreciating complexity in adolescent self-harm risk factors: Psychological profiling in a… Continue reading Sarah Stanford


Tiago C. Zortea

Institution: Oxford Institute of Clinical Psychology Training and Research, University of Oxford, England. Supervisory team: Prof Paul Salkovskis, Dr Louise Johns, and Prof Craig Steel. Position: Trainee Clinical Psychologist; Hon. Postdoctoral Researcher (SBRL; University of Glasgow). Current research: Early and current determinats of vulnerability for suicidal thoughts and behaviours. Research interests: Vulnerability for suicidal thoughts… Continue reading Tiago C. Zortea


A. Jess Williams

Institution: University of Birmingham (Institute of Mental Health, School of Psychology) and University of Nottingham (Self-Harm Research Group, School of Psychology), England. Supervisory team: Dr Maria Michail, Prof Jon Arcelus, Prof Ellen Townsend. Position: PhD Student. Current research: My PhD explores internalised stigma and shame within LGBTQ+ young people and this influence on their suicide… Continue reading A. Jess Williams


Joeri Vandewalle

Institutions: Ghent University, University Centre for Nursing and Midwifery, Ghent, Belgium Research Foundation-Flanders (FWO), Brussels, Belgium. Supervisory team: Prof. dr. Sofie Verhaeghe, Prof. dr. Dimitri Beeckman Position: PhD student Current research: My PhD research aims (1) to develop a conceptual evidence-base of nurses’ perceptions on their role in and contributions to the care for individuals experiencing… Continue reading Joeri Vandewalle


Wouter van Ballegooijen

Institution: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Section Clinical Psychology; VU Medical Centre, Department of Psychiatry Supervisory team: I mainly work with Professor Heleen Riper (VU Amsterdam), Professor Jan H Smit (VU Medical Centre) and professor Ad Kerkhof (VU Amsterdam) Position: Postdoc (tenured) Current research: Smartphone-based monitoring of psychological processes among suicidal patients in mental health care Research… Continue reading Wouter van Ballegooijen


Kirsten Russell

Institution:  University of Strathclyde, Scotland Supervisory team: Dr Susan Rasmussen & Dr Simon Hunter Position: PhD Student Current research: Examining sleep problems and self-harm in young people. Research interests: The influence of sleep on health and wellbeing across the lifespan Stigma associated with mental health Adolescent wellbeing Resilience/protective factors Key publications: Russell, K. (In press).… Continue reading Kirsten Russell


Emma Nielsen

Institution: University of Nottingham, UK (Self-Harm Research Group) Position: Postdoctoral Research Associate Current research: I am broadly interested in understanding how people respond to, and deal with, the difficult things that they face in their lives. My doctoral work explored whether these transdiagnostic dynamics can help us to understand change in self-harm thoughts and behaviours.… Continue reading Emma Nielsen


Becky Mars

Institution:  Suicide and Self-harm (SASH) Research Group, University of Bristol, England. Position: Research Fellow. Current research: Transitions from suicidal thoughts/non-suicidal self-harm to suicide attempts (American Foundation for Suicide prevention fellowship). I am also PI on an MRC/MRF grant which is exploring biological mechanisms linking early life adversity and later self-harm behaviours. I currently supervise two… Continue reading Becky Mars


Donna Littlewood

Institution:  University of Manchester, UK Position: Research Associate, NIHR Greater Manchester Patient Safety Translational Research Centre. Current research: Improving patient safety in mental health services, with the aim of preventing self-harm and suicide. Research interests: Mental health recovery, resilience to suicide, sleep problems and mental wellbeing, the role of social media in mental wellbeing, healthcare communication.… Continue reading Donna Littlewood


Nadja Lederer

Institution: Research Group for Industrial Software, Vienna University of Technology, Austria Position: Project Assistant, Prospective PhD candidate Current research: Investigating the role mobile technology can play to boost the recovery process for people living borderline personality disorder and self-injury in addition to therapy Research interests: Designing mental health technology (apps, wearables, tangible interfaces) especially in… Continue reading Nadja Lederer


Katerina Kavalidou

Institution: National Suicide Research Foundation, WHO Collaborating Centre for Surveillance and Research in Suicide Prevention, University College Cork, Ireland. Current research: I am currently working on registries related to self-harm and suicide. Research interests: Patterns of multimorbidity and risk of suicidal behaviours and suicide. Access to multiple medications as a risk factor of suicide attempts… Continue reading Katerina Kavalidou


Ian Hussey

Institution: Ghent University, Belgium. Position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow Current research: My research involves the intersections between behavioral/learning psychology, implicit attitudes, and suicidal behaviour. Research interests: Quantitative psychology (methods, stats, open science) Learning psychology (behaviourism, relational frame theory) Implicit attitudes Suicidal behaviour Publications: Hussey., I & Hughes, S. (2019). Hidden invalidity among fifteen commonly used measures… Continue reading Ian Hussey


Laura Hemming

Institution: University of Manchester Supervisory team: Dr. Daniel Pratt, Professor Gillian Haddock, Professor Jennifer Shaw Position: PhD student Current research: Researching how a person’s understanding of their emotions can lead to risky behaviours such as suicide and aggression within a male prisoner population. Research interests: Forensic mental health, suicide and self-harm research, service-user led research,… Continue reading Laura Hemming