Nadja Lederer

Institution: Research Group for Industrial Software, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Position: Project Assistant, Prospective PhD candidate

Current research: Investigating the role mobile technology can play to boost the recovery process for people living borderline personality disorder and self-injury in addition to therapy

Research interests:

  • Designing mental health technology (apps, wearables, tangible interfaces) especially in the field of self-injury
  • Serious games for mental health, using technology to raise awareness on mental health issues (e.g. self-injury, depression)
  • Positive computing


Can help with: User centered design, rapid prototyping, Java, software development

What’s essential to your well-being? Yoga, coffee, movies, enough sleep, taking a break from the digital world, pep talks, spending time outside the office/walking around to be able to generate new ideas, travelling, being able to do things my way, being able to escape the daily grind every now and then and to play/work in another country for a few days, family and friends.

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