
What is netECR?

netECR is an independent, international network of early career researchers (ECRs) with the aim to facilitate collaborations, networking, and mutual support for ECRs in the field of suicide and self-harm research. It was created in November 2015 as a monthly online journal club meeting and expanded in September 2017 with the development of this website and our Twitter account. Here, we provide a space for ECRs to publish blogs on different topics such as academia, suicide prevention, research, lived experience, and events. We also provide information for forthcoming journal clubs, meetings, profiles of our members and a section for job opportunities relevant to ECRs in the field of suicide and self-harm.

Outside of the website, we facilitate discussion via a Discord Channel, which gives netECR members the opportunity to ask questions, request suggestions on their research projects, discuss potential collaborations and recommend literature.

Who can join netECR?

netECR membership is free (yay!) and is open to all ECRs engaged in and/or contributing to suicide and self-harm research. Our members include research assistants, PhD and postdoctoral researchers, early career lecturers, as well as graduates with an active commitment to the field.

If you want to find out more about becoming part of netECR, please email us at internationalnetecr@gmail.com.

Our editorial team

Behind the organisation of this website, there is an Editorial Team working hard to provide the best online platform for Early Career Researchers in suicide and self-harm. In alphabetic order, we are:

Emma Nielsen (@DrEmmaNielsen) is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Self-Harm Research Group (SHRG), University of Nottingham (emma.nielsen@nottingham.ac.uk).

Kirsten Russell
(@Kirsten_Russell) is an Research Analyst within the Violence Reduction Unit, and a Visiting Researcher and Guest Lecturer within the School of Psychological Sciences and Health, University of Strathclyde (kirsten.russell@strath.ac.uk).

Tiago C. Zortea (@zortea_tiago) is a Trainee Clinical Psychologist at University of Oxford (England), and honorary postdoctoral researcher within the Suicidal Behaviour Research Laboratory, University of Glasgow (Scotland) (Tiago.Zortea@hmc.ox.ac.uk).

Former members of the editorial team:

Donna Littlewood (@donnalittlewood) is a Research Associate in the Division of Psychology & Mental Health, University of Manchester (donna.littlewood@manchester.ac.uk).

Thank you for reading and supporting this initiative!
netECR Editorial Team

We would like to thank the graphic design company, CONTAINER (Brazil) for the production of our modern and beautiful netECR logo. As a demonstration of their commitment with suicide prevention, CONTAINER voluntarily offered us their services free of charge.

*All images on this website are used with permission under the license of Creative Commons (CCO – Free for personal and commercial use and no attribution required). Mostly of images are retrieved from Unsplash and Pexels.