
All I want for Christmas is…

As we head towards the end of 2021, we have taken some time, as an editorial team, to reflect on the past 12 months. With another year of journal club and WSPD blogs under our belt, as well as a successful second e-conference and the introduction of netECR Collective Care, we are extremely grateful for the support of our ever-growing netECR community and the contributions that our members make to the network and to the field of suicide and self-harm research as a whole. As a community we now stand at 104 members strong, from 15 countries across the world.

Events, Suicide Prevention

World Suicide Prevention Day 2021

10th of September is World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) and many of our netECR members have come together to provide a collection of new blog covering a range of topics related to suicide and self-harm. The articles present a wide collection of views, experiences, and perspectives on suicide and self-harm including themes around research, lived… Continue reading World Suicide Prevention Day 2021


A Year in Review: netECR 2019

Longer nights are drawing in, city centres are twinkling with holiday lights and faculty are donning winter jumpers: winter is firmly on its way and Christmas is just around the corner (…and we are writing from the northern hemisphere!). With the winter break fast approaching, and netECR members preparing for a well-deserved holiday, we thought… Continue reading A Year in Review: netECR 2019


netECR World Suicide Prevention Day 2019

10th of September is World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) and many of our netECR members have come together to provide new blog posts covering a range of topics related to suicide and self-harm. The articles present a wide collection of views, experiences, and perspectives on suicide and self-harm including themes around research, lived experiences, suicide… Continue reading netECR World Suicide Prevention Day 2019


Reflections on the 4th Early and Mid-Career Researchers’ Forum, Glasgow, 2019

By Hilary Causer I arrived in Glasgow with rain lashing against the windows of the train, a familiar knot of worry in my chest and google maps open on my phone. This was my first visit to the city and my first EMCRF. It offered the opportunity to meet a whole host of people who… Continue reading Reflections on the 4th Early and Mid-Career Researchers’ Forum, Glasgow, 2019


Conference Review: 4th Suicide and Self-harm Early and Mid-Career Researchers’ Forum

By James Jopling, Executive Director for Samaritans Scotland. I must admit, I arrived at the 4th Suicide and Self-Harm Early and Mid-Career Researchers Forum in Glasgow with some trepidation. Although I have worked for Samaritans for nearly four years, this was my first meaningful foray into the world of suicide and self-harm research. Many of… Continue reading Conference Review: 4th Suicide and Self-harm Early and Mid-Career Researchers’ Forum


Conference Review: Using Data to Inform Suicide and Self-harm Prevention

By Rebecca Musgrove and Lana Bojanić. A number of netECR members attended the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) and NIHR sponsored “Using data to inform suicide and self-harm prevention” at the Royal Statistical Society in London on Monday 25th February 2019. This was the first in a series of events to celebrate the 50th… Continue reading Conference Review: Using Data to Inform Suicide and Self-harm Prevention


2nd netECR Brunch

When launched in September 2017, one of the main aims of netECR was to encourage networking and collaboration between PhDs/ECRs in suicide and self-harm research internationally. Today, the community is comprised of ECRs from many different labs and institutions across the globe. To strengthen the connections made online, and provide an opportunity for others to… Continue reading 2nd netECR Brunch

Events, Uncategorized

Conference Review: The 17th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour

By Justine Dickhoff. The 17th European Symposium on Suicide & Suicidal Behaviour was held in one of Europe’s oldest and most beautiful city’s: Ghent (Belgium). Over the years, this biennial symposium became a meeting point for researchers from all over the world to gather about scientific work, exchange knowledge, and discuss implication for suicide prevention.… Continue reading Conference Review: The 17th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour


Conference Review: Early & Mid-Career Researchers’ Forum 2018

By Laura del Carpio. I was fortunate to be able to attend the 3rd annual Suicide and Self-Harm Early and Mid-Career Researcher’s Forum at the University of Glasgow. Since 2016, this event has brought together researchers at the early (and mid) stages of their careers, people with lived experience, and experts in the field, gathering… Continue reading Conference Review: Early & Mid-Career Researchers’ Forum 2018


NetECR Brunch

When launched in September 2017, one of the main aims of NetECR was to encourage networking and collaboration between PhDs/ECRs in suicide and self-harm research internationally. Today, the community is comprised of ECRs from several different labs and institutions across the globe. To strengthen the connections made online, and provide an opportunity for others to… Continue reading NetECR Brunch


Conference Review: Suicide Bereavement UK’s 6th International Conference

By Charlotte Starkey Suicide Bereavement UK’s 6th International Conference saw over 350 people, from 8 countries and a range of backgrounds, come together to share their work, thoughts and experiences on the topic of ‘Looking Forward, Instilling Hope’.  The one day event was held in the somewhat unorthodox, yet fantastic venue of a cinema in… Continue reading Conference Review: Suicide Bereavement UK’s 6th International Conference


One month of NetECR!

One month ago – World Suicide Prevention Day 2017, we launched the International Network of Early Career Researchers in Suicide and Self-harm website – NetECR! Since then, we have been delighted with the response and support of ECRs in our field, as well as that shown by senior academics, institutions and charities from different parts… Continue reading One month of NetECR!


Conference Review: American Association of Suicidology 50th Annual Conference

By Donna Littlewood.   A record-breaking 1400 people attended the 50th annual conference of the American Association of Suicidology in Phoenix, Arizona. The conference successfully attracts a diverse range of delegates, including researchers, clinicians, crisis centre volunteers, people bereaved by suicide, and people with lived experience of suicide. In coming together with the common goal… Continue reading Conference Review: American Association of Suicidology 50th Annual Conference