
All I want for Christmas is…

As we head towards the end of 2021, we have taken some time, as an editorial team, to reflect on the past 12 months. With another year of journal club and WSPD blogs under our belt, as well as a successful second e-conference and the introduction of netECR Collective Care, we are extremely grateful for the support of our ever-growing netECR community and the contributions that our members make to the network and to the field of suicide and self-harm research as a whole. As a community we now stand at 104 members strong, from 15 countries across the world.

Events, Suicide Prevention

World Suicide Prevention Day 2021

10th of September is World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) and many of our netECR members have come together to provide a collection of new blog covering a range of topics related to suicide and self-harm. The articles present a wide collection of views, experiences, and perspectives on suicide and self-harm including themes around research, lived… Continue reading World Suicide Prevention Day 2021

Suicide Prevention

Let us shift the focus of suicide prevention away from the individual and to the society

By John Gunn. In 1971 the anti-litter organization Keep America Beautiful released the “Crying Indian” ad. In it, Iron Eyes Cody, an actor dressed in Native American clothing, paddles a canoe along a waterway that is polluted. As he arrives on shore, a bag is thrown from a passing car and it explodes, scattering more… Continue reading Let us shift the focus of suicide prevention away from the individual and to the society


Firearms and suicide: What we know, what we can do, and steps forward

By Allison E. Bond. What do we know about firearms and suicide? In the United States (US), firearms are the most commonly used and most lethal method for suicide1.Additionally, suicides account for two-thirds of all gun deaths in the US1. The presence of firearms in the home is associated with a 3-5x increase in the… Continue reading Firearms and suicide: What we know, what we can do, and steps forward


Including women and healthcare professionals in conversations about perinatal suicide

By Kerry Hozhabrafkan. I have a vivid memory of being at university during my midwifery training, listening to the lecturer describe a case study which had been chosen to support our learning. It was the tragic story of a woman who had recently become a mother for the first time and became rapidly unwell. The… Continue reading Including women and healthcare professionals in conversations about perinatal suicide

Lived Experience

I wanted to be a violinist and now I’m a suicide researcher: Why career change can be the best present to your future self

Change is hard, no matter what the change is. My name is Rhiannon and I’m a second year PhD student within the Suicidal Behaviour Research Lab (SBRL) at the University of Glasgow. I also have an MA(Hons) in Music, and am an orchestral violinist.

Suicide Prevention

“What do you think would reduce LGBT+ youth suicide in the future?”

By Hazel Marzetti. Yasmin: For LGBT+ young people specifically, just societally, if you have a feeling, especially when you’re young that you’re not going to be accepted and it’s going to be harder for you to sort of move through the world because of your identity, that brings a real feeling of hopelessness. Suicide is… Continue reading “What do you think would reduce LGBT+ youth suicide in the future?”

Suicide Prevention

Policy Change to Prevent Suicide: Turning Research into Action

By Corbin J. Standley. As suicide researchers, we develop hypotheses, collect and analyze data, and draw conclusions to contribute to efforts to save lives and create lives worth living. Beyond these academic pursuits, however, we must also use our skills and expertise to influence community and social change. One step toward creating this change is… Continue reading Policy Change to Prevent Suicide: Turning Research into Action

Suicide Prevention

Coordinating the formulation of the National Action Plan for Suicide Prevention 2020-2030 (NAPSP)

By Alexandr Kasal. Introduction After graduating from a Public and Social Policy Master study-program, and working as an intern within the National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH) in the Czech Republic, I was offered a job in in their Public Mental Health research group. One of the long-term goals of our efforts is to raise… Continue reading Coordinating the formulation of the National Action Plan for Suicide Prevention 2020-2030 (NAPSP)


Highlighting measurement challenges in suicide research

By Erik Reinbergs. Measuring complex constructs related to suicide (i.e., suicidal ideation, planning, behaviors, intent, attempts, etc.) is extremely challenging. Many of these terms lack agreed upon definitions and are frequently used imprecisely, making accurate measurement difficult in even the best designed studies [1]. Without accurate measurement, however, the validity of psychological research is severely… Continue reading Highlighting measurement challenges in suicide research


A Year in Review: netECR 2019

Longer nights are drawing in, city centres are twinkling with holiday lights and faculty are donning winter jumpers: winter is firmly on its way and Christmas is just around the corner (…and we are writing from the northern hemisphere!). With the winter break fast approaching, and netECR members preparing for a well-deserved holiday, we thought… Continue reading A Year in Review: netECR 2019

Lived Experience, Suicide Prevention

Suicide risk assessments, experts by experience and me

By Sophia Fedorowicz As a first year PhD student I wanted my inaugural blog post to outline the area I am interested in and how I came to be here, I am a product of my experiences after all. My first love is psychology. My undergraduate degree was BSc Psychology Single Honours and so psychological… Continue reading Suicide risk assessments, experts by experience and me

Suicide Prevention

Researching domestic violence and suicidal behaviour in Sri Lanka

By Piumee Bandara Earlier this year, I found myself deep in Sri Lanka’s lush, leafy suburbs, knocking on doors for an interview. I was there with a team of local researchers to gather information from people primarily about adverse experiences in childhood and current experiences of domestic violence.  My aim, to gain a better understanding… Continue reading Researching domestic violence and suicidal behaviour in Sri Lanka

Lived Experience

‘Put the effort in and you’ll get there in the end’: People’s experiences of resilience to suicidal thoughts and behaviours

By Kamelia Harris Suicide is a leading cause of premature death in people experiencing mental health problems such as schizophrenia [1]. Around 10% of people experiencing this mental health problem die by suicide [2] and many more will experience suicidal thoughts and behaviours. My work focuses on understanding how by developing resilience in people, suicidal… Continue reading ‘Put the effort in and you’ll get there in the end’: People’s experiences of resilience to suicidal thoughts and behaviours

Suicide Prevention

Community pharmacy: An untapped resource in suicide prevention?

By Hayley Gorton Back in 2015, I attended the International Association for Suicide Prevention congress the first time. I found myself in a room with about 600 delegates including psychiatrists, psychologists, statisticians, epidemiologists and many others; but realised that I was probably the only pharmacist there. This made me reflect on my own practice as… Continue reading Community pharmacy: An untapped resource in suicide prevention?


Out of the lab and into everyday life: Using Experience Sampling Methods to better understand self-harm and suicide

By Olivia Kirtley The lab and questionnaire-based nature of much self-harm and suicide research means that we often only have access to snapshots of participants’ experiences and behaviours. Furthermore, the chronic lack of prospective and longitudinal research in the field means we know very little about how behaviours and experiences change over time. Most often,… Continue reading Out of the lab and into everyday life: Using Experience Sampling Methods to better understand self-harm and suicide

Lived Experience

When your research topic becomes too close to home

By Laura Hemming It was an average Sunday afternoon when me and my partner, Sam, decided to head to our local swimming pool for a few laps. We’d been particularly stressed due to being midway through searching for and purchasing our first home, and decided we’d take some time out of relentlessly scrolling Rightmove to… Continue reading When your research topic becomes too close to home

Suicide Prevention

3 things we should know about suicide in autistic adults

By Mirabel Pelton My research asks why autistic people* [A] are more likely to engage in suicidal thoughts and behaviours than people who aren’t autistic. I want to produce evidence that will really reduce suicide rates. As I near the end of my second year as a PhD student, I’ve noticed that, when I introduce… Continue reading 3 things we should know about suicide in autistic adults

Suicide Prevention

The importance of remembering weight in suicide prevention

By Valerie Douglas Often, when one thinks of the words “discrimination” or “stigmatization” our mind will wander to identity groups who when we hear in the news about the systematic and overt discrimination they face makes us want to tweet, “What century do we live in, again???”. Western society has, overall, come to agree that… Continue reading The importance of remembering weight in suicide prevention

Suicide Prevention

International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT)

By Hazel Marzetti Today is the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT). IDAHOBIT happens every year on the 17th of May and provides an opportunity for people (LGBTI people and our allies) who feel able, to stand visibly against discrimination and harassment faced by LGBTI people. Does that really happen anymore? One… Continue reading International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT)