Heather Santos

Institution: Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Supervisory Team: Dr. Ayden Scheim

Position: PhD Candidate in Epidemiology

Current research: My dissertation work focuses on the risk and protective factors of suicidal behaviours among transgender populations. Specifically, I look at the intersectionality of suicide risk and the protective role of social and legal gender affirmation and social support.

Research Interests:

  • Adolescent and stigmatized populations
  • Risk and protective factors of self-harm and suicide
  • Community-based research

Can help with: I can discuss any epidemiological concepts as well as methods such as conditional inference trees (CTree) and latent class analysis. I am happy to help with R and SAS questions. I can also provide information on US and Canadian political and cultural contexts.

What’s essential to your well-being? Outside of work, I love baking, weightlifting, and playing with my dog, Eggplant!

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