Gabriele Torino

Gabriele Torino is a clinical psychologist and a research fellow at the Department of Medical-Surgery Pathophysiology and Transplantation of the University of Milan, Italy (


Elizabeth Suárez Soto

The psychologist Elizabeth Suárez Soto holds a Ph.D. in Psychology and is a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Psychiatric Epidemiology and Mental Health Group at the Complutense University of Madrid - EPISAM ( She is also a Lecturer at the International University of Valencia. Additionally, she collaborates with the Research Group on Child and Adolescent Victimization - GreVia at the University of Barcelona.


Lou Cherrill

Lou Cherrill is a registered mental health nurse (RMN), working clinically in secondary mental health services and teaching and researching at the University of East Anglia in the school of health sciences (