Jess Hackney

Institution: University of Manchester, UK

Supervisory Team: Dr Sarah Steeg, Dr Rosa Parisi, Prof Roger Webb, Prof Nav Kapur

Position: PhD student

Current research: My PhD research is focussed on the clinical management of people with ‘personality disorders’ and those who self-harm in primary care. I will be using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink database to perform my research.

Research Interests:

  • Epidemiological research in mental health fields
  • Stigma and its impact
  • Primary care management
  • Pharmacological interventions

Can help with: I’m a qualified pharmacist in the UK, so I can try to answer any pharmacy- and primary care-related questions; otherwise, I’m happy to chat about any topic, if it would be useful!

What’s essential to your well-being? Dinner with friends, catching up with my mum, and getting outside! At work, I need to feel like I am being productive, and a steady supply of tea!

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