Lou Cherrill

Institution: University of East Anglia (UEA), School of Health Sciences

Supervisory Team: Dr Meghana Kamble & Dr Anne Killett

Position: Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing Sciences, and PhD Student

Current research: I am interested in the prevention and management of self-harming behaviours in young people. I am currently researching the impact of lived experience of self-harm on the experiences of providing support and the support needs of parents.  

Research Interests:

  • Prevention of initial engagement with self-harming behaviours.
  • Care and support needs of those exposed to self-harming behaviours.
  • Applied research ethics.
  • Teaching research to pre-registration nursing students in the context of evidence-based practice.

Key publications:

Cherrill, L., and Housden, S. (2023). Scarlet: Cutting, coping and compassion. In Hubbard, J. eds (2023). Dilemmas and Decision Making in Nursing: A Practice-based Approach. Critical Publishing: St Albans.  

Can help with: I am happy to share my knowledge of research methods. I also enjoy talking about research ethics and navigating the process of gaining ethical approval.

What’s essential to your well-being? Outside of work: spending time with my children, something good on the TV, and nice food. Inside of work: Clear instructions and expectations, colour coded to-do lists, and organisation.

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