Elizabeth Suárez Soto

Institution: Complutense University of Madrid

Supervisory Team: Professor Alejandro de la Torre Luque

Position: Postdoctoral researcher

Current research: I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Psychiatric Epidemiology and Mental Health group at UCM, currently coordinating a national research project in Spain focused on adolescents aged 12 to 18. The primary objectives of the project are to provide nationally representative estimates on SRB risk, suicidal ideation, and SRB outcomes (lifetime and 12-month prevalence) in the Spanish adolescent population, to study the relationship between SRB risk factors from the media world and SRB risk (elevated suicidal ideation and/or history of suicide attempts), and to investigate the relationship between juvenile victimization and SRB risk.  

Research Interests:

  • Victimization experiences in childhood (including polyvictimization, sexual abuse, bullying, among others) related to subsequent suicidal behavior.
  • Risk factors from the media world and SRB risk.
  • Protective factors and resilience.

Key publications:

Suárez-Soto, E., Pereda, N., & Guilera, G. (2019). Poly-victimization, resilience, and suicidality among adolescents in child and youth-serving systems. Children and Youth Services Review, 106, 104500. SJR_2019_ Q1 Social Work; Q2 Family studies.

Suárez-Soto, E., Guilera, G. & Pereda, N. (2018). Victimization and suicidality among adolescents in child and youth-serving systems in Spain. Children and Youth Services Review, 91, 383-389. SJR_2018_ Q1 Social Work; Q2 Family studies.

Suárez-Soto, E., Pereda, N., & Guilera, G. (2022). Ideación y conducta suicida en adolescentes españoles durante la pandemia COVID-19: Un estudio exploratorio. Actas españolas de psiquiatría, 50(6), 256-265. SJR_2022_ Q2_Psychiatry & Mental Health

Suárez-Soto, E., Pereda, N., & Guilera, G. (2022). Uso de servicios de atención psicológica en jóvenes del sistema de protección y justicia juvenil: Un estudio exploratorio. Revista de Psicopatología y Psicología Clínica, 27(3), 193-203. SJR_2021_Q3_Clinical Psychology

Suárez-Soto, E, Puraivan, E., & Ferrada, C. (2022). Suicide prevention research: A bibliometric analysis from 1982 to 2021. Anuario de Psicología/The UB Journal of Psychology, 52(3). SJR_2021_0,155.

Can help with: I am always open to discussing ideas or providing a supportive listening ear. Additionally, I can assist with: Project Coordination: Organizing and coordinating various aspects of research projects, ensuring they stay on track and meet deadlines. Research Dissemination: Helping to prepare and edit research papers, presentations, and other dissemination materials. Outreach and Engagement: Developing strategies for community engagement and participant recruitment for studies.

What’s essential to your well-being? Outside of work: My books, fitboxing, walking outdoors, concerts, and I enjoy doing science outreach for the community. At work: Coffee breaks (!), having an honest relationship with my supervisor, collaborating with supportive colleagues, and having a clear structure and goals for my projects.

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