Maisie Jenkins

Institution: Edinburgh University, UK (School of Health in Social Science)

Supervisory Team: Professor Amy Chandler, Dr Sally Brown, Dr Sarah Huque

Position: PhD student

Current research: I am interested in the intersection of men/masculinities and self-harm. My PhD will look into experiences and conceptualisations of ‘recovery’ from a sociological perspective. I plan to co-design much of my research with lived experience experts.

Research Interests:

  • Men and self-harm/suicide
  • Peer/survivor/lived experience research
  • Conceptualisations of ‘recovery’

Can help with: I’m doing my PhD part-time and at a distance alongside a job in lived experience involvement, so happy to talk about either of these topics, particularly always keen to connect with others balancing PhD/working too.

What’s essential to your well-being? Hiking, cooking, taking plenty of breaks.

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